Yong He, Ph.D., Changjiang Distinguished Professor
E-mail: yong.he#bnu.edu.cn
Human brain connectome
Multimodal neuroimaging
Connectome development from infancy to early childhood
Connectome dysfunction in brain disorders
2002.07-2005.05: Ph.D., National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
1999.09-2002.06: M.Sc., School of Mechanical Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China
1993.09-1997.06: B.Sc., School of Mechanical Engineering, Shandong University of Technology, Zibo, China
2019.04-present: Director, International Science Center for Cognitive Neuroscience, Beijing Normal University, China
2017.03-present: Deputy Director, State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning, Beijing Normal University, China
2017.01-present: Founding Director, Beijing Key Laboratory of Brain Imaging and Connectomics, Beijing Normal University, China
2016.01-present: Changjiang Distinguished Professor, Beijing Normal University, China
2013.06-present: Principal Investigator, IDG/McGovern Institute for Brain Research, Beijing Normal University, China
2013.09-present: Professor, State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning, Beijing Normal University, China
2015.09-2017.11: Director, Imaging Center for Brain Research, Beijing Normal University, China
2008.01-2013.08: Investigator, State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning, Beijing Normal University, China
2005.06-2007.12: Post-doctoral Fellow, McConnell Brain Imaging Center, Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Co-Editors-in-Chief: Brain Research, 2023-date
Associate Editor: NeuroImage: Clinical, 2023-date
Associate Editor: Human Brain Mapping, 2017-2022
Editor Board: Neuroimage, 2018-date
Editor Board: Neuroimage: Clinical, 2018-date
Editor Board: Brain Informatics, 2013-2017
Editor Board: CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics, 2014-date
Editor Board: Brain Connectivity, 2010-date
2019: National High-Level Personnel of Special Support Program (Ten Thousand Talents Plan), China
2016-2022: Highly Cited Researchers (Neuroscience & Behavior), Clarivate Analytics
2020-2022: The Most Cited Chinese Researchers (Psychology), Elsevier
2015-2019: The Most Cited Chinese Researchers (Neuroscience), Elsevier
2015: Changjiang Distinguished Professor, Ministry of Education, China
2015: National Award for Natural Sciences (Second Class, Rank 2), Ministry of Science and Technology, China
2015: Award for Progress in Science and Technology (First Class, Rank 3), Ministry of Education, China
2015: Technology-Empowered Beijing: Top 100 Leading Talents, Beijing, China
2015: Special Government Allowances of the State Council, China
2014: Beijing Natural Science Award (Second Class, Rank 1), Beijing, China
2013: National Award for Progress in Science and Technology (Second Class, Rank 5), Ministry of Science and Technology, China
2013: Science and Technology Award for Chinese Youth, China
2012: National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, China
2011: APS Observer Rising Stars, Association for Psychological Science (APS), USA
2009: "Scopus Young Scientist" Award for Life Sciences, Elsevier
2008: Beijing Natural Science Award (Third Class, Rank 2), China
2007: Travel Award for the 13th Human Brain Mapping Conference, NIMH
2006: Travel Award for the 12th Human Brain Mapping Conference, OHBM
2006: Jeanne Timmins Costello Fellowship, Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University
2004: President Scholarship, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Neuroimaging and Human Brain Connnectomics, National Natural Science Foundation of China (Innovative Research Groups). No. 82021004, 01/2021-12/2025, Role on project: PI
Computational Research of Human Brain Functional Connectomes During Early Childhood, National Natural Science Foundation of China (Key Program), No. 31830034, 01/2019-12/2023, Role on project: PI
National High-Level Personnel of Special Support Program (Ten Thousand Talents Plan), 01/2019-12/2021, Role on Project: PI
Computation and Clinical Application Studies of Human Brain Connectomes Based on Fast Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Major International (Regional) Joint Research Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, No. 81620108016, 01/2017-12/2021, Role on project: PI
Changjiang Scholar Professorship Award, Ministry of Education, China, 05/2016-05/2021, Role on project: PI
Xia M, Liu J, Mechelli A, Sun X, Ma Q, Wang X, Wei D, Chen Y, Liu B, Huang C, Zheng Y, Wu Y, Chen T, Cheng Y, Xu X, Gong Q, Si T, Qiu S, Lin C, Cheng J, Tang Y, Wang F, Qiu J, Xie P, Li L, He Y (2022) Connectome gradient dysfunction in major depression and its association with gene expression profiles and treatment outcomes. Mol Psychiatry 27(3):1384-1393.
Xie Y, Xu Z, Xia M, Liu J, Shou X, Cui Z, Liao X, He Y (2022) Alterations in connectome dynamics in autism spectrum disorder: a harmonized mega- and meta-analysis study using the ABIDE dataset. Biol Psychiatry 91(11):945-955.
Xia Y, Xia M, Liu J, Liao X, Lei T, Liang X, Zhao T, Shi Z, Sun L, Chen X, Men W, Wang Y, Pan Z, Luo J, Peng S, Chen M, Hao L, Tan S, Gao J, Qin S, Gong G, Tao S, Dong Q, He Y (2022) Development of functional connectome gradients during childhood and adolescence. Sci Bull 67(10):1049-1061.
Chen Y, Lin Q, Liao X, Zhou C, He Y (2021) Association of aerobic glycolysis with the structural connectome reveals a benefit-risk balancing mechanism in the human brain. Proc Natl Acad Sci 118(1):e2013232118.
Xia M, Si T, Sun X, Ma Q, Liu B, Wang L, Meng J, Chang M, Huang X, Chen Z, Tang Y, Xu K, Gong Q, Wang F, Qiu J, Xie P, Li L, He Y, and DIDA-Major Depressive Disorder Working Group (2019) Reproducibility of functional brain alterations in major depressive disorder: Evidence from a multisite resting-state functional MRI study with 1,434 individuals. NeuroImage 189:700-714.
Zhao T, Liao X, Fonov V, Wang Q, Men W, Wang Y, Qin S, Tan S, Gao J, Evans A, Tao S, Dong Q, He Y (2019) Unbiased age-specific structural brain atlases for Chinese pediatric population. NeuroImage 189:55-70.
Sha Z, Wager T, Mechelli A, He Y (2019) Common dysfunction of large-scale neurocognitive networks across psychiatric disorders. Biol Psychiatry 85(5):379-388.
Xu Y, Cao M, Liao X, Xia M, Wang X, Jeon T, Ouyang M, Chalak L, Rollins N, Huang H, He Y (2019) Development and emergence of individual variability in the functional connectivity architecture of the preterm human brain. Cereb Cortex 29(10):4208-4222.
Zhao T, Xu Y, He Y (2019) Graph theoretical modeling of baby brain networks. NeuroImage 185:711-727.
Cao M, Huang H, He Y (2017) Developmental connectomics from infancy through early childhood. Trends Neurosci 40:494-506.
Liao X, Vasilakosd A, He Y (2017) Small-world human brain networks: perspectives and challenges. Neurosci Biobehav Rev 77:286–300.
Liao X, Cao M, Xia M, He Y (2017) Individual differences and time-varying features of modular brain architecture. NeuroImage 152:94–107.
Xia M, He Y (2017) Functional connectomics from a big data perspective. NeuroImage 160:152-167.
Gong Q, He Y (2015) Depression, neuroimaging and connectomics: a selective overview. Biol Psychiatry 77(3):223-235.
Huang H, Shu N, Mishra V, Jeon T, Chalak L, Wang J, Rollins N, Gong G, Dong Q, He Y (2015) Development of human brain structural networks through infancy and childhood. Cereb Cortex 25: 1389-1404.
Wang J, Zuo X, Dai Z, Xia M, Zhao Z, Zhao X, Jia J, Han Y, He Y (2013) Disrupted functional brain connectome in individuals at risk for Alzheimer’s disease. Biol Psychiatry 73:472-481.
Liang X, Zou Q, He Y, Yang Y (2013) Coupling of functional connectivity and regional cerebral blood flow reveals a physiological basis for network hubs of the human brain. Proc Natl Acad Sci 110:1929-1934.
Cao Q, Shu N, An L, Wang P, Sun L, Xia M, Wang J, Gong G, Zang Y, Wang Y, He Y (2013) Probabilistic diffusion tractography and graph-theory analysis reveal abnormal white-matter structural connectivity networks in drug-nave boys with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. J Neurosci 33(26):10676-87.
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