Meizhen Han, Ph.D., Postdoc Fellow
Individualized brain parcellation
Brainnetome atlas based on brain structural connectivity
Developmental human brain connectomics
2015.09-2021.06: Ph.D. in Medical Physics, School of Physics, Peking University
2011.09-2015.06: B.Sc. in Physics, Department of Physics, East China Normal University
Han M, Yang G, Li H, Zhou S, Xu B, Jiang J, Men W, Ge J, Gong G, Liu H*, Gao JH* (2020) Individualized cortical parcellation based on diffusion MRI tractography. Cerebral Cortex, 30(5), 3198-3208.
Yang G, Zhou S, Bozek J, Dong HM, Han M, Zuo XN, Liu H, Gao JH* (2020) Sample sizes and population differences in brain template construction. NeuroImage, 206, 116318.
Yang G, Bozek J, Han M, Gao JH* (2020) Constructing and evaluating a cortical surface atlas and analyzing cortical sex differences in young Chinese adults. Human Brain Mapping, 41(9), 2495-2513.
Shu S, Qin L, Yin Y, Han M, Cui W, Gao JH* (2020) Cortical electrophysiological evidence for individual‐specific temporal organization of brain functional networks. Human Brain Mapping, 41(8), 2160-2172.
Wang ZM, Wei PH, Shan Y, Han M, Zhang M, Liu H, Gao JH*, Lu J* (2020) Identifying and characterizing projections from the subthalamic nucleus to the cerebellum in humans. NeuroImage, 210, 116573.